
DRDF study bares impact of social pension on the elderly

The elderly is one of the sectors which is most disadvantaged in the country today. In response, the government has been trying, through policies and programs, to improve their conditions especially regarding access to goods and services, affordability of medicine, and availability of recreational centers. In relation, the latest law to be passed and enacted by the government after active lobbying from elderly welfare groups Republic Act 9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizens’ Act of 2010. Among the law’s key provisions is a social pension amounting to P500.00 per month.

NGO clinics and government hospitals fill family planning needs of urban poor women

For families living in the slums of Manila who can barely make ends, contraceptives are one more burden which compete with their basic needs of food, utilities, housing, and education for their children. This puts the poor families in a quandary forcing them to make tough choices like food or utilities versus pills or condoms.