
Aging in The Philippines: Findings From The 2007 Philippine Study on Aging

The book, Aging in the Philippines: Findings from the 2007 Philippine Study on Aging, is an output of the 2007 Philippine Study on Aging (PSOA) project of the University of the Philippines Population Institute in collaboration with the Nihon University Population Research Institute of Japan. The study is the second nationally representative sample study of older Filipinos ages 60 years and over.

DRDF participates in the 2015 PPA Annual Scientific Conference

The Demographic Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (DRDF) provided support to the Philippine Population Association (PPA) in holding this year’s PPA Scientific Conference. As an organization that aims to promote and undertake research, training and other related activities in population and development and with a wealth of specialists dedicated to such advocacy, this year’s PPA Conference theme: Population in Humanitarian Crises aptly captures the values and research focus that DRDF has espoused in recent years.

Teenage pregnancy on the rise in the Philippines

The percentage of young girls aged 15-19 who have begun childbearing had more than doubled within the past decade. This finding came from the fourth and latest round of the Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS 4) Survey released today by the University of the Philippines Population Institute and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation.

Internet, social media are important part of young Filipinos’ life – survey shows

When Mark Zuckerberg and his friends first toyed with the idea of Facebook in 2004, young people today were just kids. Now, these kids comprised the 15-24 age group and appear to be the biggest consumers of information technology developed by young people their age a decade ago. This is one of the findings released today by the Demographic Research and Development Foundation (DRDF) and the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI).

Unprotected first premarital sex common among young Filipinos; other risky sexual activities also reported

Despite years of information campaigns on the risks of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy from unprotected sex, majority of today’s young people had their first premarital sex experience without the use of condom or any other form of contraception to protect from pregnancy or sexually-transmitted disease.